Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Let's sit shall we?

She sits all by herself now!! Yea! I do not have a picture of this amazing feat as of yet because... Well it is hard to take a picture when your hands are held two inches away from your child on either side. I do this in case she needs my help though she is able to sit for five to ten minutes with out aid and sometimes even reaches forward to grab a toy. Every now and then I have to help with balance... but mostly I just sit. And I sit alot because now that she has found this new found skill she is not in the mood to lay around anymore thank you very much.
Every day it is something new. I love watching this kid change. I could spend my entire day doing nothing but watching ... but that would leave no time for telling you all about it. Its funny how she seems to change in leaps and bounds, although I am sure that she spends days if not weeks leading up to a change. My little A is a thinker. You can almost hear the wheels turning as she is working things out in her head. There are times when she sits for 15-30 minutes just staring at her hands as if she has never seen them before. Truth is that she has probably just realized that they can do something new and exciting that she has never thought of before. I can feel that little brain in there teeming with thoughts and questions. Some days the frustration is a palpable thing. Other days she watches you with a curiosity that awes the entire room. She often gives you this quizzical look that the only other living creatures that I have seen get it so perfect are dogs. Guaranteed though a day or two after you get that look, she is going to dazzle you with her new skill.
It is hard sometimes for me to keep up with the changes. That says a lot coming from the woman who is only separated from the child for a few measly hours in the day time when she naps. And lets be honest how separate can you be in a one bedroom house that is smaller than most people's living rooms? So here I am right in the thick of all of it and I still get blindsided sometimes. She is learning and growing faster than I had ever thought possible. Who knows where we will be tomorrow. Next thing you know she is going to be crawling... and then watch out world 'cuz here she comes... and I don't know if you have noticed, but that little smile she has is impish enough to tell me that she has worlds of mischief to get into before she is done. Until then I guess I will be sitting right here.

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