Monday, April 14, 2008

Over the river and through the woods

We had A's first trip out of town this weekend. We left both there and back at her nap time I filled her belly before both trips and we set off with her sleepy and full. Not a bad plan. The trip home took 2 hours longer than the trip there, but she never sleeps as long in the afternoon as she does in the morning. Over all we were happy with how well our little darling traveled

Knowing that we were going to make this trip we prepared for a week in advance: discussing what we should bring and how much of it. The various different items that we were intending to bring went back and forth and changed over the course of the week. One day we were going to bring the pack and play, the next the walker. One discussion had us bringing both. We have a new car a station wagon so space was not the same issue that it has been in the compact with a trunk that won't open... ( Dave backed into a tree but shh you didn't hear that from me ) and one back door that only opens from inside... ( Dave scraped the dumpster backing into the drive starting to see a pattern here?) So the debate continued unfettered by space requirements. There were some points that I am certain that we fully intended to bring every item that we own for the baby.

Well we left on Sat sans pack and play or walker. We took the stroller.... but I don't believe it came out of the car. What we did have were 140 diapers and 5 outfits as well as burp clothes and spit rags to take care of three babies. And would you believe that when I needed a rag I still didn't have one near by. I can hear my mom's voice now " How long have you been a mom now Melis?" Yes yes I have been a mommy for nearly six months and I am as scattered today as I was on day one. What I did remember to do was pack myself a couple of extra shirts and can you believe it I didn't need the extra shirts or the extra outfits. That is a fine example of Murphy's law if I ever saw it... I remembered to pack the extra shirts because of the times I have needed them.... can't win for losing some days. I remembered her allergy medicine and forgot a dropper for it. We did have Tylenol with us though and that had a dropper. She got a little less than her dose but that is better than a little more : )

So we are back home and we have survived it. I have more clean clothes from the trip than dirty and we are a little tired today but over all we are happy with how well our trip went. I was glad that we left at 4 and not 7 at 9PM when we pulled into the drive way... but over all it was a good trip. We have a good little traveler and that is great to know. I have a funny feeling we will be putting her to the test more often now.

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