Monday, December 22, 2008

Ah the joys of pregnancy. Today I put on a pair of just laundered jeans that have been good friends for a while and I was faced with a startling discovery. They don't fit anymore. At ten weeks it seems a bit early for that ... especially when you consider that according to the doc's scale all I have done is lose weight. These jeans have been with me through most of my pregnancies and on two different occasions I was able to fit into them for the trip home. With A I was wearing them to my 6 week check up... but give me a break I got bigger with her. I have read that you get bigger quicker with each pregnancy... but that really wasn't the case with any of my other pregnancies. But then to be fair A was the only pregnancy that stretched my stomach to the limit and then some. I have also read that you get bigger period with each pregnancy. I guess we will see, though I was pretty sure that I couldn't possibly get bigger ever period end of sentence at about 39 weeks with A.
So I have reached it. You know that point of pregnancy where people start to think that you are gaining weight and you want to wear a sign that says "I'm getting bigger because I am pregnant. Its not the holidays taking their toll!" I have always been grateful to get passed this point to the one where people start to get questions in their eyes when they look at you. You know the point where you want to wear a sign that says " Yes thank you I am pregnant! Thank God you could tell!" So I suppose before long I will be hauling out those maternity clothes and taking stock of what I have to wear. One good thing about having so many pregnancies is that I have a lot to look over. One bad thing is that I DETEST those clothes! I have been in them for so long that it seems like they are starting to define me. Sigh but this WILL be the last time. I swear it.
I can tell you all with out a shadow of a doubt that this one is going to be a boy. No we haven't had a test that tells me. I just know. You see all of my pregnancies have been fairly close together giving me a great opportunity to be able to compare them with fairly good accuracy( as long as I am not mixing pregnancies up in my head. Hey don't put anything past me!) You see with the girls I craved sweets. All day long I was looking for sweets. So I satisfied myself with fruits and sweeter veggies ( like Carrots.) This guy however is doing similar things to me as my sweet little boy did. I want weird and nearly disgusting foods and I want them NOW if not sooner. We are talking sour kraut and Brussels sprouts. God the other day we had both in one sitting HEAVEN. The only thing that could possibly have made it better is chocolate milk with them. No I am not kidding... my mouth is watering just THINKING about it. And the other day I opened up a can of salmon for the cat and it was all I could do to not grab a fork and start shoveling. The only thing that stopped me was that I was feeding the cat that can because we had no cat food and it had to last until Dave's check. So this weekend when Dave went shopping and forgot that can of salmon I almost cried. Seriously I was as close to tears as a grown woman can get about that sort of thing. So I had to go back to the store today and my lunch was glorious. I had a can of salmon ( to myself Dave and A wouldn't touch the stuff) and saltine crackers, cup of diet grape pop and I went to town. Oh the bliss the marvelous bliss of it all. You tell me why that was so good to me and sitting down to a hamburger or a pork chop makes me run for the bathroom. I couldn't begin to tell you. You explain to me why this pregnancy has me SOOOO much more sick than ANY of the others... the only one that can begin to compare is Aidan's but it too paled in comparison to the bathroom trips I have made with this pregnancy. There was a point with Aidan where the only thing that I could eat was cocktail shrimp. GOD the thought I could just tuck in and come up for air maybe next week. I am weak at the knees just thinking about it. So yes I am really really convinced that we will be meeting a little boy in a few months. And I am thoroughly convinced that I am indeed pregnant. There is nothing in this world that could create the various food combination cravings that I am having except pregnancy. Because I am aware of how strange the combos are that I come up with... but they are sooo yummy together. Well I gotta go there are some snack sized pickles in the refrigerator that are calling my name.... they would go so well with some hot chocolate right now. : )

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