Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What kind of day is this going to be?

I ask you what kind of day could it have been when I woke to the sound of my daughter filling her pants. Yes yes Too much info I know. How do you think I felt? So I drag my sorry butt out of bed to change the pants so she doesn't have to sit in the mess ( even though my strongest inclination was to roll over and snuggle back into the covers!) So out we go to the living room where I start the process of changing her little rump. Once her little rear is clean she pulls her usual roll and run while I am distracted with rolling up the diaper. No biggie I figure that I have something real quick to grab and what harm can a baby naked from the waist down do anyways.... HMMM.... Well my friends as I am rifling through her pants to find a pair for her to wear I hear an ominous sound.... Like she was filling her diaper only... S*&T! So I look over and there standing in front of my christmas tree is my half naked cherub who looks as innocent as can be, so I think maybe it was just a stinker..... Here's hoping as I see her starting to sit down to play with a present. "NO" I shout as I start running "Ash" I scream as I stumble across the floor. She for the record not used to hearing the panic in mom's voice thinks this is great fun and starts to giggle. In what really could only have been a few seconds ( no matter how long it felt) I was over there to assess the damage. Yes my young one had made a mess a HUGE mess! the onesie that she had on had gotten it all over and it was all over her legs and on the floor and I was aghast.
So I scoop up my messy daughter and haul her over to the area on the floor where I had been changing her and much to her displeasure started the process of cleaning her up, all to a chorus of screeching because she wanted to play at the Christmas tree. While I tried to clean up my child was twisting bucking and rolling and making it a decidedly difficult chore. I managed to clean her up and the floor and the clothes and was sitting in the aftermath of shock when my husband came rolling out of the bedroom. " What was all the ruckus?" he asks me casually. So I relay the whole sordid tale. His eyes get wide and he laughs hysterically and then says "Please tell me I am not sitting in the mess" I really wished at that moment I could have told him yes, but no I informed him I had already cleaned the mess up. "Good" he says and relaxes still chuckling.
So I ask you again.... What kind of day could I possibly have had when it started out like that!

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