Monday, December 1, 2008

Its all such a pain in the ear!

I hope that you all have had a wonderful holiday weekend, and that there were no casualties on black Friday. I myself did not go shopping ( I know, right!) Instead I sat in a chair with a stuffed up head wishing that I could take something and sighing with martyrdom. ( is that a word I think it is, cool) My daughter also was feeling somewhat less than stellar a situation that has continued through the weekend. We have waffled ( Okay I have) all weekend about whether a trip to the doctor was needed. This morn I am afraid it came all too clear that our little one needed to go to the doctor when after an extremely fussy night of tossing, turning and crying.... she cried for 2 hours straight tugging at her ear. A dose of Tylenol helped to stop the crying.... though not nearly fast enough for anyone involved in the situation. What that dose of Tylenol did do however was create a well behaved little angel who billed and cooed at the doc ( until he tried to look at her throat, then things got a little ugly.) Still and all doc looked into her ears and pronounced that both of them were red and sore and in need of attention. He prescribed Amoxicillin for the babe and sent us on our merry way.
So double ear infections and she still has the same cold that I have. It has taken down the strongest of men... but this precious little lady is running around with an impish smile on her face. ( So long as mom keeps the Tylenol flowing { in appropriately measured doses and times of course}) I have indeed been blessed with a child with the temperament of a saint. ( although you may want to check back with me when she is two and some change... and NO I do not want to hear my words back when the day comes!) We are dealing with a slight amount more of fuss than normal, but otherwise we are still smiling after all this. Gotta love her... I do!
Today is Dave and my anniversary! It has been tough on him living with me, but he has made it another year; barely : ) The trip to the doc was not in our plans, but hey thats parenthood for ya. We had big plans for this weekend. We had intended to go to a water resort in the Dells ( my parents would babysit!) and spend a nice weekend in a room with a jacuzzi and have fun. While we do not play the stocks the economy has had its own effect on Dave and I and those plans got whittled and whittled and whittled again. First we were just going to stay one night. Then we were going to just stay in town and catch dinner and a movie. Then it became just dinner. Well when all was said and done my parents babysat while Dave and I went to the grocery store and picked up a few discount steaks to bring home and cook. Flexible thy name is the middle class. In fact I'm starting to think that if others are in the same boat that we are... a grocery card would be the best gift to give for Christmas. Not mind you that I am complaining in any way about my anniversary. I am spending it with my two favorite people in the world.... and how could that ever be bad?! And I sure as heck wouldn't want to be anywhere but here with her when she is feeling so cruddy. No sometimes the plan for us is better than the plan that we make. Always a good thing to remember.

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