Saturday, May 16, 2009

There are no excuses!!!

That's right I have no excuse. We have been busy yes... and remember that fantasy novel that I have been waiting to come out.... it did and my mom bought it and I am reading it. But really there is little excuse... except HAVE YOU LOOKED OUT SIDE LATELY. A and I have been taking every opportunity to be out in this gorgeous weather... because every other day it seems like it turns rainy and cold... so we want to make hay while the sun shines. I have pictures and with Dave's next check I am going to insist on buying a new USB cord because I am tired of his promises to A.) look for existing one and B.) down load directly from the card to his computer so that I can use his computer to blog. Not something I really want to do anyways, because he has one of those teeny little keyboards and my typing speed gets cut in half. I know I know that I should perhaps be able to look for the USB cord myself.... however it is in a tote in our storage shed that is stacked up with other totes... and in my current condition lifting and tossing totes is ill-advised at best.
So we have been busy and I guess I will have to just do a highlights show for you and skip the detail.... no one really wants to read all that I can write in a nap time.... even if it is a power nap hour. We are all doing well. Dave was in the ER last Tues for the usual crap with his pancreas. Another snafu with his meds. This time it is that he is on so many that cause his appetite to decrease that he hasn't been eating... thus his liver thought that he was starving and went into overdrive sending the Cholesterol through the roof which caused his pancreas to have a few things to say which sent him to the hospital in pain. He is feeling better now. They didn't even keep him overnight.... but they did prescribe a medication that will make him hungry.... CRAZY! If only we could do something about this in a natural way.... But I am cooking nothing but beans and whole grains with salmon and chicken as our proteins and he is still having trouble so I don't know what more we can do.
Baby number two is doing well. We had an ultrasound 2 almost three weeks ago and she is a big girl. Tipping the scale at 3 lbs and 3 ounces she is a full pound over the average for her gestation and she is more than a half a pound bigger than Ash was at that gestation. Ash was 2 lb 7 ounces. This one is on the border of being macrosomic already so we are probably going to have a big one. The Doc assured me that it isn't anything that I am doing my HA1C was 5.2 when it was checked only the week before the ultrasound. That is phenomenal. You really can't get better! They want it under 6 and not less than 5 so I am obviously walking the diet tightrope fairly well. There isn't much more that I can do. Not to mention each baby tends to get bigger according to the doc, at least with most women... and I am diabetic so there isn't much we can do. Just pray that she doesn't get too big, because due to the fact that I will already be having a C-section they will not take her early. She is a healthy child though. We have had all the heart checks and the kidney checks etc. that they do because of my diabetes and the PKD in Dave's family and we are looking good.... Oh yeah and she is still a girl. I don't care if we get a boy... I just want some warning. I have been garage saleing and I have bought a lot of girls clothes and I would hate to have a surprise in the delivery room. As to names... Yes yes yes we have one. Our little one will be names Ainne Roisin ( I won't use our last name because this is broadcast over the net but those of you who know us know our name) Ainne is Gaelic ( of course ) and is pronounce Ahn-ya Roisin is also Gaelic and is pronounced RO-ish-EEN. Ainne is the gaelic form of Anne or Nancy which is my mothers name and means one of two things either joyful or graceful depending on where you look it up Roisin is a traditional name that is used in the rebel songs that means little rose. It also has come to stand in for Ireland in those songs.... so if you see a song or lament for Roisin it is usually actually about Ireland. I liked that because. Aislynn or Ashlynn ( they mean the same thing) is the name that means Ireland in Irish poetry. So there is a little bit of a trend in our names.... besides the obvious of all being A names.... which by the way is entirely accidental. Not to mention which ever way you look at it I think Graceful little rose or Joyful little rose is a beautiful meaning for a beautiful little girl. Had she been a he, his name would have been Rylan Quinn.... which both Dave and I REALLY REALLY liked and are terribly disappointed that we won't be able to use.... Perhaps there is a higher power that is insisting on the A names who knows.
Now as to our princess. What can be said about Ash... she is growing like a weed. Something that Dave and I have noticed because she has had a little bit of trouble going under things that she has never had before... Lots of head bumping lately. Also she seems to be tripping over her feet a lot too. But then with this wonderful weather she has been outside a lot and our yard is not so wonderfully landscaped so she still walks like a toddler over the uneven ground. Inside and on flat surfaces she does everything at a flat out run. The same can't be said outside. She is becoming quite the toddler. Everything baby about her seems to have melted away. She is so big now and she is so much more sophisticated. She parrots everything that you say so you have to be careful. Dave and I were horribly chagrined when we came into the house and Abigail the dog got a little too jumpy and Ash says " Damn It Abby get down" Clear as a bell. Um.... OOPS! She also has learned the toddler method of protest: if she doesn't want to go somewhere she just sits down. Now I am 31 weeks pregnant and measuring 35 because the baby is big. I can only care Ash for very short distances and she is the perfect distance to hold hands right now.... any shorter and I am in trouble. So when she plops on her butt... it causes a little bit of a wrinkle for mommy. She also argues with you now. She has learned ( I have no idea where I don't think I want to know) to blame her stinkers on people around her. So she will stinker and then look at me with a grin and say "MOMMY STINKER!" and if I say no "Ashlynn stinker" she will rejoin with " NO MOMMY STINKER" no mind you she also has learned that TOP VOLUME gets more response so it is not a quiet argument. We don't get out much.... but I already see embarrassment for mom on the horizon with that one... it is just a matter of time! She argues about a lot of things... she just enjoys it. " BEAR" " Puppy" " NO BEAR" "puppy" well you get the idea. She loves to do it. I suppose that I shouldn't argue with my toddler even in play... but it is so doggone fun and the grin she gets while we are doing it is absolutely enchanting! She has got to be the cutest, prettiest, smartest kid in the world. And you can pass that off as being biased all you want... but like I told my cousin Sarah when she said that I am with Ash all day every day and that means that rather than being biased I am simply in the best position to make the judgement! She is a pistol and she keeps Dave and I on our toes, but she is still so sweet. I have seen kids turn into little demons when they reach the toddler years... but she is just becoming more complex and staying sweet.
It is hard to dress her right now... no not because she is in anyway difficult about it.... if anything her cousin Ariah's love for dress up has rubbed off and that is the one thing ( aside from eating) that there is NEVER an argument about! The thing is that she is in between sizes right now. 18 months is really the right size but we have to be careful washing so it doesn't shrink even slightly. 24 months will often fall right off of her... but if we shrink it sometimes it will work a little later. Dave is doing the laundry right now so that is a hit and miss thing. The other issue is that no two clothes company make their sizes the same so some times a walmart 24 months is more like a khol's 18 months. We have had some issues lately. But at the rate she is growing we will be looking at 24 months soon I am sure. Clothes get treated pretty roughly around here between the toddler eating and husband doing the laundry most of them have a stain or two that we have to live with. Dave doesn't pretreat and Ash doesn't show and quarter when she is eating. Red Jello is attacked with as much gusto as a clear broth soup. Yes yes bibs... well we have plenty and Ash knows how to take them off.... not to mention her hands get under them etc etc. The other day I was out with my parents and we stopped at a buffet where we responsibly put a bib on A before feeding her Sweet potatoes. It wasn't until we were leaving that we realized that those sweet potatoes had puddled in her lap and her pretty white and lilac dress was going to have some issues.... as well as my mothers white sweater ( the person who happened to be carrying her to the car when we noticed the whole lap issue. )
So yes we are here I know it has been a bit. Mother's day come and gone.... by the way for our mothers I bought the cards and Dave never mailed them. I haven't been out in a while but when I do get out again I will make sure they get mailed. Sorry!!!! But not completely unexpected I suppose. Used to be I would just walk down to the mail box on the end of the street.... not so much these days. My mother's day was nice and quiet. Dave got nice breakfast items and made a delicious breakfast for me followed by a nice dinner at my parents house. He also got me a new purse and a personal handheld back massager. I joked and said that one was self-serving because he is sick of hearing " sweetie would you give me a back rub?" Father's day is coming up and I am hoping to get the mother's day cards mailed before then. And I hope that my next posting is sooner rather than later.... but I make no promises....

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