Sunday, December 13, 2009

On the first day of christmas

I have been having a little bit of trouble getting myself into the Christmas spirit this year. I suppose there are a lot of things that have been getting in the way... none of them are what this post is about so we are not going to talk about it. Instead in the hopes of getting myself into the true spirit of Christmas I am going to do the twelve days of Christmas my way. You see I have so so many people and things that bless my life: I am sure that once I start actually counting they will be so abundant I will have trouble limiting them to twelve. I will say this at the beginning I am going to try very very hard to post every day... but well with two kids I cannot make any guarantees except for one.... you never know what your day will look like. The best laid plans of mice and men and all that.
So let's plunge right in... On the first day of Christmas the blessing I recognize that God has given to me is my wonderful husband and the daddy of my children. Dave is a man who I am proud to stand beside. We have laughed and cried and fought together over the 81/2 years that we have been together. He has helped me to see the lighter side of things. He has helped to carry the burdens of life and the shoulder the responsibility. He has cried with me and held me when he had no tears left to shed over the loss of our children. This is a man who works everyday so that I can stay home with our two children. A man who is as passionate about breastfeeding our children as I am. A man who shares his bed with not just me but our two children with no complaint. He is a goof and a bit of a kid at heart. He is a man who is serious about the protection of his family, and who is willing to do what it takes to keep them safe. He is a man who will do any job outside of the house to keep food in his babies mouths.
This is the most important blessing for me to recognize and thank God for... because he is the partner that has helped me to bring several other blessings into this world. Also though because he is the one that is most take for granted. The things that he does can be forgotten when I get irritated because he has forgotten to take the garbage out or he hands me the baby with the poopy diaper. He is the one that the frustrations from a day of toddler hi jinx and baby fuss can cause, is often directed at. Not because he deserves all of it, but because he is the adult. Our lives are wonderfully happy, but can also be terribly stressful, and he gets the brunt of it.
And so this wonderful man who I love as much as I can love anyone on the earth is my first blessing. A blessing I truly thank God for.

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